Be a part of the sustainable fashion revolution with LAYBL
LAYBL is looking to conduct the world’s largest clothing usage and waste analysis study, and is seeking direct to consumer fashion brands to take part.
We are seeking forward-looking, socially conscious brands to work with us, and our goal is to create a comprehensive 12-month snapshot of what actually happens to garments once they find a place in consumers' lives.
Together, with consumers, we want to shed light on the real impact of clothing usage and waste in the consumer phase.
Get in Touch“Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better”
– Maya Angelou
“Care for your clothes like the good friends they are”
– Joan Crawford
We need a truly collaborative effort in sustainable fashion to understand the full picture. Your brand's participation is key to unlocking insights into garment lifecycles, driven by shared consumer-brand responsibility.
By involving your customers, you're not just collecting data; you're building a community dedicated to eco-conscious choices. Together, we can redefine fashion's future.
This is a chance to lead in sustainability, showing your commitment to transparency and innovation. Join us in this collective journey towards a more sustainable world.
Get in TouchGet post-sale usage and performance data over product lifetime. Find out what really happens to the garments you make.
Connect with consumers and their products like never before.
Find out if your garments are resold, repaired, altered, recycled or disposed of.
Real-time access to wear frequency, performance data, transfer of ownership and end of life status.
Whether you already identify as a sustainable fashion brand, or are just starting on the journey, you're participation is needed and welcome.
LAYBL's focus is not just on mainstream or high fashion though. We're also keen to collaborate with outdoor wear and sports brands, and conceptual or niche garment producers.
Your consumers and your priorities may be very different, but the impact of what you produce and what your customers consume is the same.
So let's take a closer look together.
Get in TouchIf you'd like to be a part of change when it comes to improving sustainability in fashion, get in touch today.