LAYBL Mobile App Privacy Notice

This privacy policy relates specifically to the LAYBL Mobile app as found in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

It provides information about how we collect, use, and protect your personal data, covering both UK and international users.

Who are we?

We are LAYBL Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 13565055. Our goal is to solve the clothing waste problem by helping people be more sustainable and responsible with their clothes.

For users of the LAYBL App we are the Data Controller for the personal information that we process. You can find all of our details in the ‘How do you get in contact with us?’ section.

When Brands are using our review invitation service – we are acting as the data processor and the Brand is the Data Controller for your information. If you have any questions about such invitations or want to exercise your rights with regards to any data used for this purpose, please contact the relevant Brand.


Cookies are small files saved on your phone, tablet or computer when you visit a website or mobile application.

We only use cookies to make this mobile application work, and as such are classed as essential cookies.

Essential Cookies

Essential cookies keep your information secure while you use this service. We do not need to ask permission to use them.

sb-access-token: Used to keep you signed in, expires after 24 hrs
Used to renew your session if you close the app, expires after 24 hrs

What information do we collect and how do we collect it?

We collect information from you when you sign up and use our app. We also collect information from LAYBL connected Brands.  The information we collect may include:  

  • Your name, telephone number and email address.
  • Information about products you have purchased from brands with a LAYBL account.
  • Photograph (if you choose to upload it).
  • Ratings and feedback that you provide about products.
  • Information about any items that you have returned to brands with a LAYBL account.
  • Information that you provide when you correspond with us.
  • Your preferences in relation to direct marketing.

Why do we use your personal information?

We use your personal information to:

  • Provide you with the LAYBL App and allow you to manage your account.
  • Enable you to collect and manage your purchased products from LAYBL connected Brands and pre-owned or gifted products from other LAYBL users.
  • Notify you when a new product has been added to your LAYBL account.
  • Allow you to provide reviews, feedback, and sentiment analysis throughout the lifetime of the products you have in your digital wardrobe – Brands can then view these ratings and feedback about their products.
  • Personalise your experience using the LAYBL app, for example, allowing you to receive reminders about items that you haven’t rated in a while.
  • Review, improve and develop the services we offer.
  • Respond to your requests, complaints, or to connect you with Brands or Service providers, where you have requested this, for example if you want to contact a clothing repair specialist.
  • Send you information about features or services that we feel may be useful to you.
  • Maintain the security of our App.
  • Update you with important administration messages about the App.

Your personal information is essential for us to provide you with the App and its features – if you don’t provide your name and contact details you will be unable to create a LAYBL account.

What is our lawful basis for processing your personal information?

We process your personal information where it is necessary for us to perform our contractual obligations – to provide you with the features available in the App. Sometimes, we will rely on your consent for processing your personal information – in these circumstances, you can withdraw your consent at any time. We also rely on legitimate interests where we have taken into account your rights and interests and do not feel that there is an imbalance.

Our legitimate interests are:

  • to operate, improve and personalise our services;
  • the safety and security of our users, our products and your account; and
  • to communicate with you about our products and services and if you are open to hearing from us, we may also send you marketing messages from time to time.

How do we keep your information secure?

We have measures in place to prevent unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure, loss, damage, or destruction of your personal information. We store your information in the UK or in countries approved by UK adequacy regulations.

Do we share your information?

We may share your information with third parties, such as trusted partners and suppliers, who work with us or on our behalf, to help us deliver our service or achieve the purposes set out in this policy. For example, third party service providers and professional advisers.

LAYBL connected brands that you have purchased from will be able to view your profile (your username and avatar/photo) along with any reviews, feedback, and sentiment analysis whilst you are a user of the LAYBL app.

Postmark is our email service provider; they are located in the US and we have ensured that we put in place appropriate safeguards and only transfer the information necessary for the purpose.  

Where we share personal information, we’ll make sure that the receiver has provided reassurances regarding having appropriate security measures in place and only use your personal information in the ways we have agreed.

International data transfers

Your personal information may be transferred to, stored, and processed in countries other than your own. We will ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect your personal data in compliance with relevant data protection laws, including the GDPR for EU users, CCPA for California residents, LGPD for Brazilian users, PIPEDA for Canadian users, and other equivalent regulations.

How long do we keep information?

We keep your profile information and content for the duration of your account. You can delete your account at any time. When a user deletes their account, we may still retain certain information, such as ratings of products, but this will be in an anonymised form.

If you unsubscribe from marketing emails, we add your email address to a suppression list.

What are your rights?

For personal data we have about you, you can:

  • Ask us to delete all or some of your personal data – you can delete your profile at any time by going into your account settings and selecting ‘Close my Account’.
  • You can change or correct personal information through your account settings – or ask us to rectify certain information.
  • Object to us using your personal data if we have no legal right to continue using it.
  • Ask for a copy of your personal information, and in certain circumstances, you can ask us to transfer the personal information you gave us to another organisation, or to you.
  • Where you have provided consent for us to use your data, you can withdraw that consent at any time.
  • Unsubscribe from receiving any direct marketing, at any time.

If you have concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us or to the relevant data protection authority in your jurisdiction.

Contact Information for Data Protection Authorities:

UK: Information Commissioner’s Office,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Tel: 0303 123 1113

EU: For EU residents, you can contact your local data protection authority.

California: California Attorney General’s Office,
Privacy Enforcement and Protection Unit

Canada: Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada,

Australia: Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC),

New Zealand: Office of the Privacy Commissioner,Web:

How do you get in contact with us?

You can email us at

Or you can write to us at: Data Protection, LAYBL Ltd, 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom, WC2H 9JQ